ITSA's NEW Social Value Business Club has arrived!

IT Schools Africa is now The ITSA Digital Trust

TECH Connect Programme

Improving lives locally through technology

Our local TECH Connect Programme is bringing technology, digital participation and digital skills to those who need it most in Gloucestershire. Our programme provides equipment for charitable organisations as well as digital training and support. Recipients have been local charities, community centres, job clubs, schools, refugee groups, coding and youth clubs supporting marginalised and disabled groups.

The Rock Youth Charity has benefitted hugely in the last 3 months from donations from IT Schools Africa. IT and having access to good IT is so key in today’s world and working with young people and educating them on how to use IT as well is a big part of what we do. Unfortunately, with rising costs in the economic crises, paying for it is becoming incredibly difficult. We could not continue our vital work with young people, without the support and donations of IT Schools Africa. 

It has enabled our Bike Mechanics course to go digital and enable young people to complete their written work via typing rather than struggling with writing and it’s also enabled many young people to write a CV & apply for their next steps after education with the support of our youth workers.  

A huge thanks from all the team and young people at The Rock“. 

Chris Slack, The Rock

Please get in touch if your charity needs help with IT equipment by emailing