IT Schools Africa is now The ITSA Digital Trust

The ITSA Digital Community

The ITSA Digital Community


The ITSA Digital Trust (‘ITSA’) is a UK charity which provides IT equipment and IT skills to people who lack them in Gloucestershire and in schools in Africa.  IT is a huge benefit in modern life, but with the regrettable result that people without devices and IT knowledge are excluded from crucial opportunities to live better lives.  ITSA’s computers and IT education enable people to educate themselves, gain employment, access vital services and connect with other people.

ITSA prevents e-waste by collecting used desktop computers, laptops, monitors, keyboards, mice and cables from UK organisations.  It refurbishes and upgrades them, and provides them – and the skills to use them – to isolated people in Gloucestershire and Africa. 

It offers devices and skills training free of charge in Gloucestershire.  It provides valuable volunteering opportunities to individuals who are referred to it by organisations such as Prospect Training Services, the Prince’s Trust and Commercial Foundation.  It has a prison programme offering prisoners useful activities and the opportunity to gain qualifications.  It has a team of trainers who offer personalised, 1-2-1 skills support to community groups and schools in Gloucestershire.

The businesses which support ITSA help to improve the communities in which they and their families work and live, as well as to provide life-changing opportunities to communities in Africa.


  • 130,000 computers saved from landfill
  • 32,000 learners in Gloucestershire provided with digital skills access and support
  • 2,600 schools in Africa supplied with computers 
  • 1,900 teachers in Africa trained in I.T. 
  • 1,000 volunteers welcomed in Gloucestershire
  • 160 community projects in Gloucestershire supported with devices and/or training
  • 34 IT labs installed in schools in Africa


On the occasion of ITSA’s 20th anniversary in 2024, the aim of the The ITSA Digital Community is to work with businesses in a combined effort to minimise e-waste, give back to the community, and assist each other. 


Businesses are required to embrace ESG/CSR and Social Value, through a policy which is authentic and embedded in the culture of the workplace. Membership of the ITSA 200 Club can help organisations to:

             Win business, including in tenders because of the requirements of the Social Value Act 2012.

             Recruit, because young people want to work for businesses with authentic social values.

             Retain staff by adding to employees’ sense of doing good.

Market, with support for ITSA as a key USP, since customers want to buy from ethical companies.

            Organise volunteering, through opportunities at ITSA, which boost team-building.

            Network with suitable businesses.

            Engage with local communities, with measurable outcomes.

            Dispose of used IT equipment for safe data erasure and ethical re-use.


The ITSA Digital Community is a membership scheme.  Positive benefits include:

  • Understanding the needs of UK communities.
    • Working more closely with ITSA, education providers and other initiatives to create work opportunities and teach skills. Donation of used IT equipment, to avoid landfill. Donation of money to ITSA, with tax benefits. Fundraising opportunities that can build relationships with other members. Volunteering at ITSA. Events – networking opportunities and peer-to-peer support, including an annual family day. Measurable and effective ESG/CSR/ESE, with an annual report.
    • ‘Seeing is Believing’ – once a year, members can see how their support is changing lives.


In return for a monthly membership fee of £200 (which in turn helps ITSA to supply more people with IT equipment and IT skills), businesses will become part of The ITSA Digital Community.

In addition to the support listed above, ITSA offers:

Timely communication, sharing and providing content for marketing purposes, including case studies, photos, video, newsletters, website content and press releases.

A letter and certificate to verify membership, which clearly state that The ITSA Digital Community is your way of giving back, taking away the worry of giving, so that you will know that the money is being used wisely and in places of greatest need.

Engagement with your staff, giving presentations, arranging visits to ITSA, and encouraging staff to engage in your ESG and CSR, including through volunteering and payroll giving.

A Family Day at which your staff’s partners and other family members can visit ITSA to see how their family member is doing good in the community.

Additional benefits may be available for larger donations, such as regular social-media posts and press releases.