ITSA's NEW Social Value Business Club has arrived!

IT Schools Africa is now The ITSA Digital Trust

Tech charity requests support

Please read in full this great article from The Raikes Journal. “The ITSA Digital Trust is an organisation that has been quietly changing the lives of millions of individuals for two decades and is synonymous with supporting schools abroad in Africa. But it also helps thousands in Gloucestershire every year. Demand for what it does is unprecedented, and while it has the capacity to deliver it simply won’t be able to without our help. If you have an old laptop, desk top, mouse, keyboard, charger, lead, this charity wants to hear from you – and fast.

Giving any of the above could transform a person’s life for the better. Everything you need to know is below.

“We thought about calling our campaign something like the ‘great Gloucestershire mouse hunt’,” said Geoffrey Newsome, finding something to smile about despite the seriousness of the crisis his organisation faces. We are launching a campaign right now. We need to get 3,000 computers by May and 10,000 by the end of the year, said Newsome, adding that the demand comes from both the UK and abroard. We have two 20-foot containers booked to go to Africa by the end of May and need 1,350 computers for that shipment. In total each will contain something like 3,500 bits of IT equipment. He added: “Some of the schools in Africa may be teaching IT, but very often they have no computers at all. So, a school can go from having no computer to everyone being able to use one at last. We also deliver training too and can help set up IT suites for them. It can be life-changing for those students.” Please read full article here :