ITSA's NEW Social Value Business Club has arrived!

IT Schools Africa is now The ITSA Digital Trust

Our IT lab Programme 

After nearly a three year gap, largely due to Covid, we are delighted to have re-started our IT lab programme. Our latest project at Falls Community Day Secondary School (CDSS), in Lilongwe, Malawi is ITSA’s 34th school IT lab. On receiving a grant we renovated a classroom, installed a 40-place computer lab for the Falls CDSS and provided teacher training for all 20 teachers.

This technological development has put Falls as a Secondary School not a Community School and it’s the best in all the schools in Lilongwe area.”

Mrs. Lois Kumtamula, Head teacher

During the opening ceremony the ribbon was cut by Ministry of Education, education development manager (EDM) Mr Joseph J Nkhata and CFMS manager Mrs Sabina Kulasingh. Words could not express to see how overwhelmed and excited everyone was to receive the donation by way of a fully-fledged computer lab for the students.

We look forward to helping more schools improve their facilities and providing quality education for students.