ITSA's NEW Social Value Business Club has arrived!

IT Schools Africa is now The ITSA Digital Trust

DigiBus Update

The DigiBus Project:  

“The ‘digital divide’ currently happening in society is frequently talked about but it’s not until it happens to you that you realise how disabling and uncomfortable and potentially dangerous this situation is. I am one of the lucky ones who found a team that could help me. This is such an important resource.
Please support Digibus generously. We can’t function without them.”  DigiBus Learner

The DigiBusTeam is delighted to have supported 7,469 learners with digital skills.
We have had an exceptionally busy first quarter, visiting a mixture of both community venues and schools, as news of our digital inclusion community service continues to spread far and wide. 

Users often ask our trainers for help with: basic familiarisation with devices, access to NHS services online, preserving digital photos, security on older devices, dealing with spam, dishonest phone calls, electronic forms and applications, online banking and shopping, syncing between devices, issues with email and recovering passwords.” 

To find out more about our work visit the DigiBus website at
Tel: 07878 250111