Thanks to the generosity of our wonderful supporters we are delighted to say that we met our Big Give target! We raised an incredible £12,841.25 with Gift Aid. We are so grateful to you for your donations – transforming students lives through access to digital education. Thank you to everyone who donated and shared our campaign and thank you to the Champions and Pledgers that provided the match funding. Your contribution means that we will be able to upskill more than 8,800 students in low-income schools in Malawi. Practical knowledge of IT will further young students’ education, enabling them to generate an income, improving future job prospects and supporting wider families and communities.
The impact of our project will be:
- Enabling practical IT lessons and 21st century digital skills learning for 8,800 students in low-income secondary schools.
- Increased enrolment for ICT as a subject, closing digital skills gap and including students in global digital economy.
- Positively impacting girls’ education, keeping them engaged in education and helping to reduce teenage pregnancy rates.
- Enabling teacher training to develop new IT skills to incorporate IT in teaching of all subjects.