IT Schools Africa is now The ITSA Digital Trust

IT Teacher Training Project

We aim to improve the digital proficiencies of teachers and students in Zambia and Zimbabwe and help to integrate the use of ICT into teaching and learning of all subjects.

We aim to maximise the benefit of the computers that we have provided.

The need: Schools lack the resources to provide digital training for teachers. Teachers have limited ICT skills and confidence to provide a positive digital learning experience for students. They struggle to teach the new skills based curriculum. Without a digital education students lack the skills to use technology innovatively to help improve their employment and future prospects after they leave school.

Our goal is train and upskill teachers in Zambia and Zimbabwe. We will provide ICT training for teachers to improve digital education for students. We will provide 5 days in person training courses specifically aimed at developing knowledge and skills to assist teachers when delivering ICT in education.

Our Aims: To improve the digital proficiencies of teachers, children and school heads to help integrate the use of ICT into teaching and learning.

To improve the digital skills of teachers and students to aid vocational skills and facilitate entrepreneurship.

To promote creativity and innovation and instil good basic skills for hardware and software.

Impact: Digital literacy will be a tool for empowerment for teachers and students as it provides access to information, education, and job opportunities. Students will leave school confident and digitally focused to improve their future education, employment and life prospects. Over time we expect a digitally enabled workforce to emerge in Zambia and Zimbabwe, increasing efficiency and production throughout the country.

Please contact to find out more.