20 years since inception, 6.5m children given access to digital learning and more than 38,000 UK learners supported. It’s with good reason that we are proud of our heritage and of our staff both here and abroad, our partners and of course the hundreds of companies and individuals that have donated time, money and equipment to us over the years.
We are fortunate to have preserved our story through posts, videos and articles and over the coming months we will be curating this archive to give you a unique insight into how our charity has involved. Come back often to visit the archive and don’t forget to sign up to our newsletter to be kept informed of the latest news both at home and abroad.
Every picture tells a story and perhaps that includes video too. In this section we are going to trawl through are media library and upload some of the videos from our African partners send to us. The quality may not be Felliniesque but who can not help but be moved by the sheer joy expressed in some of these (the kids running to their IT class is a good example!).
Archive posts
This is the spot for our older posts – we will update shortly.

Our IT lab Programme

Update on the Big Give campaign